Returning a device under the 10 days return policyUpdated 19 days ago
If you are not satisfied with your purchase due to a defective device or a related issue, you can return the undamaged device within 10 days of delivery.
To qualify for a return, the item must be unused and in the same condition as received, including the original packaging along with the charging cable, charger, or accessories
Once we receive and inspect the item, we will process a full refund within 14 days if the claim is valid.
Please note that if the packaging was missing any of the accessories originally sent along with the device, the amount to be refunded will be subjected to deductions.
If the return is due to a change of mind or the claim is invalid, a fee of 20% plus 150 AED will be deducted from the total order value.
If we find any misuse, we will not accept the return. The item will be sent back to you, and you will be responsible for the shipping fees.
To start the return process, please fill out the form available at the following link:
New, factory-sealed devices do not come with Revibe warranty and are not eligible for return as they are already supplemented with another warranty from the original manufacturer.